Delos Air Purification Solutions

  • Updated

At Delos, we'll help you find the perfect air purification solution for your space and budget. Whether it's our portable air purifiers or our in-duct air purification solutions, our experts will find a way to help you bring clean air to your space.


Intellipure Compact

The Intellipure Compact unit is perfect for classrooms, bedrooms, hotel rooms and any spaces up to 545 sq. ft. It’s portable and easy to use. Simply plug it in and begin to experience cleaner, healthier air. Click here to learn more.



Intellipure 468

Perfect for living rooms, hotel suites and bigger home offices, the Intellipure 468 offers next-level air purification. Low energy consumption and simple maintenance makes this plug-and-play unit the perfect solution for spaces up to 1,000 sq. ft. Click here to learn more.



Intellipure 950P

Designed to accommodate large, open concept spaces, the Intellipure 950P air purifier is ideal for warehouses, auditoriums, cafeterias, gyms, hallways and beyond. Your bigger, better air solution for spaces up to 3,500 sq. ft. Click here to learn more.



Intellipure In-Duct Units

Delos Advanced Air Purification in-duct solutions are specifically designed to capture and reduce fine particles in the air, providing advanced air purification throughout the entire space with up to 99% efficiency at capturing and removing extremely small particles, 0.3-1 microns in size. Click here to learn more.


For more information on our in-duct units, standalone units or volume discounts, please reach out to one of our Air Quality Specialists.

*(Coverage area calculations are based on device CADR rates, 8-foot tall ceilings and two air changes per hour)

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